Kbsp Wz. 1938m

6/17/2019by admin
Kbsp Wz. 1938m 4,6/5 7225 votes

The Kbsp wz.38M self-repeating rifle Model 38M was a prototype Polish 7.92mm semi-automatic rifle used by the Polish Army during the Invasion of Poland of 1939.' Probably will be a new SLR with a focus on large magazine size from the get go. Mauser-style tangent leaf rear sight graduated from 300 to 2000 meter. Bayonet lug for a standard Polish issue bayonet wz.29. Two piece stock. Two sling swivels. Today, this is probably the most difficult to find military rifle on the collector market. There are only nine known examples of wz.38 M rifles in collections around the world (1.