If your external hard drive image is not showing up on your désktop you can effortlessly retrieve via the Locater Preferences. Company of heroes tiger ace. Click on on your désktop or the Locater icon in your dock to provide the Locater to the front of your display screen. Proceed to Finder Preferences (Control +,) in the menu bar and select the Common tab.
My c: does not disply in the desktop 'computer' folder. Download need for speed underground 2 ps2. How can I make my hard drive to display. Loretta.original title - C: does not show in computer section.
There will become a list of items entitled for display on your desktop - hard disks, external disks, Compact disks/DVDs/iPods, and linked servers. Select external disks and after that close up the screen. Your exterior hard drive symbol should become back on your desktop.
If your external hard drive symbol is not really showing up on your désktop you can very easily retrieve via the Locater Preferences. Click on your désktop or the Finder symbol in your dock to bring the Finder to the front of your display. Proceed to Finder Preferences (Command word +,) in the menu pub and select the General tab. There will be a checklist of items entitled for display on your desktop - hard devices, external disks, Compact disks/DVDs/iPods, and linked servers. Go for external disks and after that close up the window. Your exterior hard drive icon should end up being back again on your desktop.